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Microeconomics is consider as the study of the behavior of entire economy.Cause it examines the economy as a whole,so to say microscopically which analyses the behavior of indevedual economic units of the economy,their entire relationships and equilibrium adjustment to each-other.That determines the allocation of the resources in the society.

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Q: Why microeconomics is the study of the behavior of entire economy?
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Distinguish between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics?

Microeconomics means to study the individual economy while in macroeconomics we study the aggregate economy.

Microeconomics is the study of?

a section of the economy rather than as a whole

Macroeconomics is the study of?

my short and simple answer would be the " study of the economy as a hole" but ill break that down a little bit more for you... macroeconomics is a study focusing on the behavior of the overall economy, including factors such as inflation and deflation, the level of unemployment, and production. it is the opposite of microeconomics.

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The study of the economic behavior and decisions of individuals and businessesthe study of the economic behavior and decisions of individuals and businesses

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Microeconomics is the study of a section of the economy rather than the economy as a whole (which is macroeconomics). Microeconomics is more concerned with the allocation of scarce resources and the elasticity (sensitivity) of consumers and producers at the level of households and firms. In other, more simple words, it is the laws of supply and demand. The study of individual firms and individual households in a market.

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Microeconomics and macroeconomics?

Microeconomics is the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets. Microeconomics explores the patterns of supply and demand that determine how prices and outputs are established in individual markets. Macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole, rather than individual markets.

What is microeconomics's?

Microeconomics is the study of a section of the economy rather than the economy as a whole (which is macroeconomics). Microeconomics is more concerned with the allocation of scarce resources and the elasticity (sensitivity) of consumers and producers at the level of households and firms. In other, more simple words, it is the laws of supply and demand. The study of individual firms and individual households in a market.

What is different macroeconomics from microeconomics?

micro economics is that branch of economics which study about individuals, households and firms whereas macro economics is a study of whole economy.

What are the differences between the microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives on the economy?

micor economics is the study of some units of the economy for example a household while macro economics focuses on the whole economy or its aggregates. if microeconomics study some trees, macroeconomics study the whole Forrest

What is the study of the economic behavior and decision making of small units such as individuals and families?

Microeconomics I'm taking this class now

Micro economics and macro economics?

Micro means small and macro means large. Accordingly microeconomics is the study of small parts of the economy whereas macroeconomics is the study of aggregated parts or whole of economy.