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Q: Why might rulers of command and socialists economies fear mixing elements of market and capitalist economies?
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Does US have a command economy?

No, the US has a market economy a result of its capitalist policies, command economies can be found in communist countries.

What combines elements of the command and market economies?

mixed economy

Which countries dont have a mixed economy?

There isn't a national economy that is totally capitalist or totally command economy. Every economy leans to one or the other. The only examples that would differ would be tribal economies. The USA is regarded as the most capitalist economy but there are many elements of a 'command' ie. Federal Reserve, government intervention in the markets etc. Cuba could be regarded as the most command economy, but the free market infiltrates.

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The Soviet command economy could not keep up with the productivity of capitalist economies.

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The Soviet command economy could not keep up with the productivity of capitalist economies.

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What countries has a command economy cuba France US or Canada?

Of the four countries listed (France, USA, Cuba, and Canada), only Cuba has a command economy. The rest have government-moderated capitalist economies.

What do command economies emphasize?

Command economies emphasize government allocation of production.

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the United States

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what are command economies

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What are the three main types of economies?

Command, traditional, and market economies