In May 2002 the rate was 49.2250 rupees (Indian) per USDollar.
The most up-to-date currency exchange rate converter shows that $1.00 Great Britain pound is the equivalent to $102.185 Indian Rupee.
The rate that the Euro is worth against the pound will vary from time to time. as of August 3rd the Euro is worth 1.1511 88 and the Pound is .0868668 so much less then the Euro
What was the rate of the rupee against the British sterling pound in 1998?
1 british pound is worth 77.164 Indian rupee as of 1/9/2008
The highest exchange rate of Euro against Pak Rupee was Rs.125.81 in spot exchange rates on 8th August 2011.
Indian Rupee is stronger than PKR (Pakistani Rupee). Though, PKR improved a bit against INR (Inidan Rupee) in recent months but still, it is approximately 0.63 of INR.1 PKR = 0.63 INR
the current exchange rate of US Dollar against Indian Rupee is 39.375---------Access US Dollar to Indian Rupee conversion rates provided by ICICI Money2India, SBI Express Remit, Remit2India, HDFC and Axis Bank live at
The exchange rate for British pound to rupee is £1 equals to 94.70 rupees. This is only accurate to date of answer as exchange rate does vary from time to time.
In May 2002 the rate was 49.2250 rupees (Indian) per USDollar.
The most up-to-date currency exchange rate converter shows that $1.00 Great Britain pound is the equivalent to $102.185 Indian Rupee.
What is the highest rate pound against indian rupiees in last 25 years
Exchange rate is the converter of dollar into a rupee.