

Would saline increase urine production

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Would saline increase urine production
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The following causes the body to increase urine production except salt coffee tea alcohol?

liquids and watery or wet foods increase urine production.

An increase in urine production could cause?

Increased urine production does not cause a condition. Rather, it is a symptom caused by a disorder; most typically, diabetes mellitus.

What will increase urine production?

Drink lots of liquids and slowly drip water on your face

Can diuretics cause xerostomia?

Yes they do! Diuretics are an antihypertensive drug and they cause xerostomia, diuretics increase urine output not increase saliva production.

How would running on a warm day most likely affect urine production?

Running on a warm day would most like decrease a person's urine production. One reason for this would be due to increased sweating, which would reduce the amount of water in someone's body.

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What is the urine pH in a dehydrated person?

The pH would be lowered due to the production of ketone bodies and excreted in the urine.

What is the medical term meaning diminished or lack of urine production or secretion?

Diminished or scant urine production is oliguria. Anuria is absent urine production.

How does the body compensate after ingestion of isotonic saline?

It removes the water and the salt in urine.

What is too much urine to drain from a foley at one time?

This would depend on the medications and fluids the person is receiving. Generally, the minimum amount is 30cc per hour. There is not a maximum. The Foley catheter is in the bladder and drains the urine that is present in the bladder. The amount in the bladder depends on whether the person is receiving high volumes of IV fluids or medications to decrease the volume of fluid in the bloodstream. Both of these would increase the volume of urine. An example of this would be a person in congestive heart failure. He/she would be given a drug called a diuretic which would increase the amount of urine produced to decrease the work for the heart. The diuretic increases urine production to decrease the excess fluid in the bloodstream. There are also medical conditions that cause excess urine production. It is most important to measure overall volume in compared to volume out. Therefore, the answer regarding the volume of urine is really dependent on the other factors involved in the person's medical condition and their drugs.

What is anuria?

Anuria means lack of urine production (or extremely low urine production).

What animals generally have the lowest volume of urine production?

cats, but out of fishes it would be a marine shark.