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as i think every body would like live in developed country rather then developing country.because facilities ,security ,living standard and job opportunity in developed country is much more then developing country.poverty is very less in developed county in comparison to developing country. that's the reason why every country want to be a developed country

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Q: Would you prefer to live in a developed country or one that is developing why?
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Would you prefer to live in a developed country or a developing one why?

as i think every body would like live in developed country rather then developing country.because facilities ,security ,living standard and job opportunity in developed country is much more then developing country.poverty is very less in developed county in comparison to developing country. that's the reason why every country want to be a developed country

Is Shanghai a developing country?

Shanghai is a city in China, not a country. China is known as a developing country meaning it's on its way to becoming developed but is not fully developed yet. Shanghai is the most populous city in the country and would be considered the financial capital of the county meaning it's also developing.

Is Ireland developed or developing?

Ireland is a developed country, however it lags behind others. The U. K. recently put it on the top 10 developed countries list. Although Ireland is a developed country it still lacks the necessary education and learning. "

What would life be like in a developing country?

Life in a developing country can be challenging due to limited access to resources such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. There may be higher rates of poverty, unemployment, and inequality. However, the culture in developing countries often fosters strong community ties and resilience in the face of adversity.

Why is it important to do planning and develop tourism?

If you are a developing country that is trying to bring in tourist this would be very important. Planning and developing tourism in an under developed country will be good for the overall economy and can help develop a country that would otherwise be left under developed and its citizens would be left without jobs and the ability to imporve their lives. Planning and developing tourism can also help develop infrastructure and superstructure, help with education and technology in the host country as well.

What is the definition of a developed country?

a developing country is a country in which the factors are being improved and advanced to become a developed country. an example of a developing country would be Mexico because it is still being improved to make the country better to live in.

Is Malaysia a developed or developing country?

Malaysia is a developing country. However, compared to many developing countries, it is very advanced. Malaysia's development has reach a point where the GDP percapita (nominal) has exceeded USD10,000 and the Human Development Index (HDI) was categorised as 'high" in 2012. These indicators, coupled with actual physical growth in infrastructure seen all over the country would add to the fact that Malaysia is a near-developed country.

Is Nigeria a developed country?

PREVIOUS ANSWERI have the exact samequestion to answer... I think it's not developed because goggle says that most countries in Africa a poorest so I think it's not developed but at the same time goggle says that it's one of the developed country's in the world.... I'm not sure but I would have to say it's a developing country and not a developed country. Also I don't know...but I had to use the GNP to find out so.... Nigeria has a low GNP so I think it's a developing country and not a developed country. Sorry, that's the best I've got.From someone who is also confuzzled :) Hope this helps!NEW ANSWERAccording To The IMF Nigeria Is Still Developing

Is Brazil a ledc or medc?

Brazil is considered a middle-income country, so it would fall into the category of a middle-income developing country (MIDC) rather than a less economically developed country (LEDC) or more economically developed country (MEDC).

Is Mexico an LDC?

I guess you mean "least developed country" or "medium developed country". It is neither.According to the scale you are using, Mexico falls within the category of "High developing countries", just below the likes of Chile, Hungary or Poland.MEDC

What is the largest differeance between developed and developing countries?

The largest difference between a developed and developing country is the value of productive economic activity as expressed in its standard of living. A key to modern development is the use of technology by the people. A developed country has more advanced technology. One needs to examine the Standard of Living to determine whether a country is developed or developing. This would be determined by looking at the Life Expectancy, Literacy Rate, and Gross Domestic Product per capita. The United Nations has created a statistic called the Human Development Index (HDI) which indicates a country's level of development.

People in the developed world use _____ than people in the developing world.?

One thing people in a developed country would use more than someone in a developing country is a computer. Other things are a microwave oven, a digital television, a cell phone, and a tablet.