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Q: 1. What is the Irish custom of hand fastening?
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I am researching the custom of hand-raising in class.

An iron ring for fastening the hands or feet?

Forms of iron rings to fasten hands and feet are Shackles, Hand cuffs, Ball and chain, Manacles.

Who was jack charlton predecessor in Irish soccer?

Eoin Hand

What is a bohdran?

A bodhran (bo-rrán) is an Irish hand-drum.

What is the custom change of Chile?

A custom in Chile is the changing of the rings. Before a couple is married, the ring is worn on their right hand. When they announced man and wife, they change the rings from the left hand to their right hands.

How can you know if you're Irish decent?

I suppose if you're Irish and you're decent like me :). On the other hand if you wanted to know if you are of Irish descent, then you would have to check your ancestry

What are better custom or standard guitars?

A real custom made guitar is made to your specification and hand built so in theory should be better

Witch hand is the proper hand to shake hands with?

Whether you are right or left handed, the proper custom is to shake with the right.

Who was dan head dublin 1920 s custom house?

Dan Head was a 17 year old IRA Volunteer who was killed at the Custom House Dublin on May 25th 1921, he died in hand to hand fighting trying to save his comrades by engaging the enemy outside of the Custom House.

Why is Northern Ireland represented by the hand of Ulster?

It's an ancient Irish symbol for Ulster. In the Táin, which is an Irish epic equivalent to something like the Odyssey, the king of Ulster and his army are called the Red Hand.

Where can I buy custom CD cases?

There is a place where you can purchase custom CD cases. You buy the package and you can get it in a matter of days. You can decorate your custom CD case by hand or computer. The link is

What is the Irish for you are lost?

Tá tú caillte. (Tá "is", Tú "you", Caillte "lost"). On the other hand, as a verb the Irish for "I lost" is "Chaill mé"