There are plenty of credible sites that offer this service. The thing is you must make sure that the diploma is valid. Also, make sure that if you plan on going to college that the diploma can be used there as well. Since you are 21 you may want to consider checking into GED programs. Again, this is up to you.
1.GED Online > High School Diploma Online > Free GED Test Online 2.High School Online - GED Online - High School Diploma
High School Diploma Online with a website is a good online school which you can enroll and get your diploma. Just visit the above given website for more information's.
There are many options for someone who wishes to get their high school diploma online. One such program is, an accredited program that offers a high-school diploma.
you get free copy of high school diploma online information at
To find more information on school diploma online. I suggest you look in this website: . It is not biased on the country you are in, so it does not just cover a certain school, ect.
There are many online high school online diploma classes available for free ,all he has to do is write a test and get qualified in it. For diploma try madison falls.
Yes, a diploma from Belford High School is legal.
At, you can get a high school diploma online. You can call them online, toll-free, and request a free school brochure if you want it.
You can find information on how to get a high school diploma online in Canada from the Ontario Home School Organization website. From this website, you can find a list of available online schools in Canada.
There are many courses available to get a high school diploma. Many of them can be got online and the diploma are shipped free of cost. Some institutions that offer a diploma are Madison Falls High School and GED Online.
Yes it say high school diploma and that is what you need
Will passing the online equivancley test give you an accredditted high school diploma?