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Q: A group of mountain ranges that run side by side are called what?
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What do you call a Group of mountain ranges side by side?

A group of mountain ranges side by side is called a mountain range system or a mountain chain. This occurs when multiple mountain ranges run parallel to each other in close proximity.

What is a group of mountain ranges that run side by side?


When does the rain shadow effect not happen?

On the side of mountain ranges. :)

How does the amount of rainfall on the windward side of a mountain differ from that on leeward side?

rain shadows usually occur on the leeward side of the mountain ranges.

What are the two sides called of mountain ranges?

The two sides of a mountain range are typically referred to as the windward side and the leeward side. The windward side faces the prevailing winds and receives more precipitation, while the leeward side is sheltered from the wind and tends to be drier.

Why are mountain ranges often natural borders?

Mountain ranges are natural barriers because they are high. That makes it difficult or impossible for various forms of life to cross from one side of a mountain range to the other.

How many major mountain ranges are on Oahu?

There are two major mountain ranges on Oahu: the Waianae Range on the western side of the island and the Koolau Range on the eastern side. Both ranges offer stunning views and hiking opportunities for visitors to explore.

Downwind of large mountain ranges there is less precipitation this drier zone is called?

The drier zone downwind of large mountain ranges is called a rain shadow area. This occurs as moist air rises over the windward side of the mountains, cools, and releases precipitation, leaving the leeward side drier due to descending air warming and inhibiting cloud formation.

What mountain ranges flank either side of the central Deccan Plateu?

The Eastern & Western Ghats flank the Deccan Plateau. They are mountain ranges that are near the coasts of India.

What is a mountain range that runs side by side called?

A mountain range that runs side by side is called a parallel range.

What side of the mountain is always wet?

The wet side of the mountain is called the windward side. The dry side of the mountain is called the leeward side.

The downwind side of a mountain is called?

The downwind side of a mountain is called the leeward side. This side is sheltered from the prevailing wind and may experience drier conditions due to the rain shadow effect.