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treasury bills

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Q: A short term government security paper is called?
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What is the Canadian secret service called?

Canada's secret service agency is called the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS for short).

Does paper have a short vowel?

Yes, the letter "a" in paper is a short vowel sound.

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Which security would you choose for a short-term investment

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Computer term for short bond paper?

There is no computer term of short bond paper but size of shot bond paper is 8.5X15 i think

Explain why the government consumption expenditures G components of GDP falls short of actual government expenditures?

Government consumption considers spending on defense, judicial system, education, etc... It does not take into account expenditures such as unemployement benefits and social security.

Can a security short a person?

No. But a person can "short" a security, that is, he can "sell short" by agreeing to sell a stock that he does not yet own, hoping that he can buy it for less than he is selling it for.

Name of the East German secret police?

The East German secret police was called the Stasi - short for Staatssicherheit (State Security).

Does paper have a short vowel in the first syllable?

No, the a in paper is long.

What is the dristrict of Columbia?

The District of Columbia, commonly called "D.C." for short, is the district in which the U.S. government is based.

Is paper a short vowel word?

No, "paper" is not a short vowel word. It contains two short vowels: the first 'a' in "paper" is a short vowel sound, while the second 'e' is also a short vowel sound.

Measurement of legal paper and a short bond paper in typewriter?
