If I wanted to find out if my internal staff was lying to me or was guilty of some crime such as embezzlement, I would naturally not use them to investigate that possibility, but would need an external team.
The manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit mars a change is internal motives rather than just external actions.
The conflict in the book "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli is primarily internal. It focuses on the protagonist David dealing with his emotions and navigating personal challenges, rather than external forces or outside conflicts.
It's generally a tear in the dividing wall of the ventricles of the heart (internal rather than external)
When changes are made more due to internal rather than external factors
The descriptive method of research refers to the process of observing and describing a topic of study, rather than trying to answer a hypothesis. There can be many advantages of the descriptive method of research. For example, a descriptive method of research does not interfere with populations existing in a habitat.
External fertilization occurs when sperm and eggs unite in the open, rather than within specialized organs during internal fertilization. Turtles, eagles, and dogs most definitely undergo internal fertilization. Mosquitoes and houseflies, on the other hand, undergo external fertilization.
The story "The Aged Mother" is an external narrative as it is a traditional folktale originating from Japan. It is a story that is shared and passed down through oral tradition and written form rather than originating from an individual's internal experience or imagination.
Weight is considered an external force because it is the force exerted by gravity on an object due to its mass. It is not generated by the object itself, but rather acts on the object from the outside.
An internal expectation is a personal belief or standard that an individual sets for themselves. It is a goal or outcome that someone anticipates achieving based on their own actions and efforts, rather than external factors.
The conflict in "May Day Eve" by Nick Joaquin is primarily internal. It revolves around the characters' inner struggles, particularly related to love, jealousy, and the complexities of human relationships, rather than external events or forces.
An external conflict would be a non-example of internal conflict. External conflicts involve the main character facing opposition or challenges from an outside source, such as another character, nature, society, or a situation, rather than struggling with inner thoughts or emotions.