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There are not many schools that work on a unit bases anymore, but the schools I do know of equate one unit to three credit hours per semester. However, depending on the school, there may be differences. In other words, it would also depend on whether the school operates on a regular two semester academic year, a tri-semester, or quarter semester.

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15y ago

It depends on the college or university. Most traditional colleges and universities operate on a two semester academic year, while some operate on a tri-smester or quarter-semester system. You will have to check with each individual college you have an interest in.

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The college transcripts I have viewed, indicate one unit as 3 credits.

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Q: Are colleges on semester or quarter hours?
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A three credit course means three contact hours of class per week, for colleges that operate on a regular two semester academic year (most colleges and universities). For colleges that operate on a tri or quarter semester (which are not many), it is much different.A three credit course means three contact hours of class per week, for colleges that operate on a regular two semester academic year (most colleges and universities). For colleges that operate on a tri or quarter semester (which are not many), it is much different.A three credit course means three contact hours of class per week, for colleges that operate on a regular two semester academic year (most colleges and universities). For colleges that operate on a tri or quarter semester (which are not many), it is much different.A three credit course means three contact hours of class per week, for colleges that operate on a regular two semester academic year (most colleges and universities). For colleges that operate on a tri or quarter semester (which are not many), it is much different.A three credit course means three contact hours of class per week, for colleges that operate on a regular two semester academic year (most colleges and universities). For colleges that operate on a tri or quarter semester (which are not many), it is much different.A three credit course means three contact hours of class per week, for colleges that operate on a regular two semester academic year (most colleges and universities). For colleges that operate on a tri or quarter semester (which are not many), it is much different.

Is 96 quarter hours equal to 72 semester hours?

96 quarter hours equals 64.00 semester hours.

Why does South University require 182 credits to receive a bachelor's degree?

It is because South University operates on a quarter semester system. 182 quarter hours equals approximately 121 semester hours or credit hours. Colleges and universities that operate on a semester system require between 120 and 128 credits.

What does ninety-nine quarter hours equal to semester hours?

99 quarter hours equals 66 semester hours.99 quarter hours equals 66 semester hours.99 quarter hours equals 66 semester hours.99 quarter hours equals 66 semester hours.99 quarter hours equals 66 semester hours.99 quarter hours equals 66 semester hours.

How many quarter hours equals a credit hour?

what are quarter credit hours Quarter hours are offered at Colleges and Universities that are on A "Quarter Term System" rather than a "Semester" System.. Pure Quarter system has 4 college Terms per year.. or some colleges offer Trimesters or 3 terms per year and offer Quarter credits... 1 semester hour equals 2/3 of a Quarter hour or typically a 60-64 semester hour associates degree would be equal to a 90-96 quarter hour associates degree. Typically a Quarter term is 12 weeks and there are 4 Terms in the year.

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67 quarter hours equals 44.67 semester hours.

How can you Convert quarter hours to semester hour?

Divide the number of quarter hours by 1.5ex:qrt. hr sem hr.1 .672 1.343 24 2.67... ...10 6.6720 13.3430 2040 26.67To convert quarter hours into semester hours, add up ALL of the quarter hours and multiply the total by .67 (which is the same as multiplying by 2/3). You can round off the decimal.EXAMPLE: 40 quarter hours x .67 = 26.8 semester hours.To convert semester hours into quarter hours, you divide the total number of quarter hours by 1.5

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Five quarter hours equals 3.33 semester hours.

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you can find out at