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Q: Are you in favor in clonning?
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How is the procedure of clonning in multiplicity similar to the genetics which we study in our classes?

procedure taking in clonning

Is clonning a good thing or a bad thing?

I believe that it's a bad thing l wouldn't want there to be another me because that would be torture for people haha:)

What is the correct for to do a favor or to make a favor?

do a favor -- Will you do me a favor? or ask a favor -- Can I ask you a favor?

What is card clonning?

Copying the information in the black magnetic strip or microchip, then tranferring to an empty card. So not making the card physically the same in appearance, sometimes, just the information from it.

What is the word favor mean in spanish?

Favor in Spanish means the same as in English. To say "por favor" (for favor) means please. "A favor de" means in favor of. "Da me un favor" is do me a favor.

How do I get my Swampert back in Emerald I deleted him when I was clonning another Pokemon he and my Charizard and I already save it How I get them back?

You can't sorry =(. If you really want them back you will either have to cheat to get them or start the games again.

What is the verb for 'favor'?

The verb for 'favor' is 'to favor'.

What is the word for 'favor' in Spanish?

para favor

Can we say I am looking a favor from you?

We can say, "I am looking for a favor from you." But if we're looking for a favor from someone, we don't usually tell them we are. We usually ask them for a favor, and leave it up to them whether or not they will favor us. After all it is a favor, not an obligation.

What is the spanish translation for please do me a favor?

por favor, hazme un favor

What is favor the root word of?

The root word of favor is "favor."