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The English sounds th (tooth, the, that), and w (watch, window) don't exist in German and can cause certain problems for a German speaker.

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Q: Articulation problems for Germans learning English?
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Why Germans cannot speak English?

German children rarely grow up speaking English at home unless one or both parents are native speakers. Germans do not begin learning English until the 5th grade. Some of them may choose not to learn English at all. Some Germans cannot speak English because they do not learn how to speak it.

How did adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews help help the nazi party secure power in Germany?

He blamed Jews for Germany's problems and encouraged Germans to join the Nazis in attacking Jews.

When did the Germans solve their problems?

they never did. They lost the war.

Did the English own the Germans in the war?

I have no clue

Is English taught as a 1st language in Germany?

No, only at military bases and English schools. Germans begin learning English in the fifth grade. If you need an English speaking school for your child because English is your native language, you should contact the American Department of Defense school system and see if there are English primary schools in your area.

What percentage of Germans speak English?

99% of germans speak englishAnswer 2Most Germans have learnt some English in school.I would guess about half of German adults would understand if you spoke simple English, probably about 1/4 of adults could answer back.

What does the site Englisch Lernen provide?

The site Englisch Lernen provides a web resources for Germans who are seeking to become more fluent in the English language. Some of the education materials hosted at the Englisch Lernen site include quizzes on English grammar. There are also exercises for learning and mastering English vocabulary.

What did the Jews of sighet think of the Germans in the book night?

the jews thought that the germans were awful people. That the germans had brought them to hell. (my english professor told me this answer)

Why were the Germans bombing London in the 1940's?

The Germans were trying weaken English defenses and take over the country.

Is English widely spoken in Germany?

Germans take English in their schools. Most Germans will know some English and some will know a lot and be very fluent. There shouldn't be a problem for tourists or those that are moving to Germany.

What langages do the Germans speak?

The Germans speak German. There are many Germans that can also speak English and no doubt many Germans are able to speak many other languages depending on their education and position in life,

What does 'good Germans' mean?

In and after World War 2 and for time afterwards the term good Germans was used in English-speaking countries for Germans who were opposed to the Nazi regime.