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my teacher did but there was many teachers there

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Q: Can a teacher of a NYS regents course proctor their own regents students?
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If you pass the English regents do you pass the course?

That's up to your teacher's grading system

Does the Brooklyn Free School do good on regents exams?

Of course not. There are no regents exams catered to hippies.

What is the proctor and password for corporals course?

The proctor and password for Corporals Course are DEP and 12YT34.

Can a 10 year old get short nails?

of course! Especially teacher at most schools are really strict about students properties, students looks and all about students.

Do teachers ever vomit on their students?

Well I assume so, if it's their first day of course. You never know it could happen to you one day! If a teacher does puke on you, don't yell at them and if your a teacher, don't puke on your students!

Should students make their own decisions in class or should it be up to the teachers decisions in science class?

The teacher, of course. The teacher is the one that has been trained in how to teach, how to communicate. The teacher is the one that knows what the requirements are for graduation, and what will be expected of the students in the next class or in university.

What is a teacher made test?

A teacher-made test is an assessment created by a teacher to evaluate students' understanding of specific content or skills. It is designed by the teacher to align with the instructional goals and objectives of the course.

Is any course in isro for 12th pass?

i heard about it from my teacher but i am notsure. i think there is a course for 12th pass students who pass with more then 70% marks in PCM.

Why should teachers think about the question What skills and knowledge do you want students to acquire by the end of the course or term?

Teachers should think about the question "What skills and knowledge do you want students to acquire by the end of the course or term" because then the teacher can establish objectives with measurable outcomes. Students can use objectives as a way to meet small goals throughout a class/course or term.High school students and college students should alsoconsider what they want to learn and then establish small goals to meet the objectives a teacher or instructor establishes.

What happens if you fail geometry regents in summer school but take the course over?


Are parent teacher conferences confidential?

Of course they are. No other students need to know about someone's grades and how they arer doing in that class.

Is your course instructor a manager?

no manager aredecision makers but instructors are only lectures or teacher and their duties to make understand their students