It is possible.
Any food or drug can alter your state of consciousness. Midol Complete contains 60mg of caffeine and 500mg of Acetaminophen. On the bottle it says it is a "Pain Reliever/Stimulant/diuretic"
Caffeine does cause mood changes and if someone is sensitive to caffeine they can get a certain 'high' from it. But it is likely to be a similar high as when drinking a cup of coffee.
I am personally very sensitive to caffeine and Midol is the only thing that eases my cramps when I am on my period, I experience this high each time I take it.
I become light headed, excited, frantic, overly friendly, hyperactive, alert, feelings of euphoria and I have experienced minor hallucinations.
Midol was first sold in 1911.
Midol may help to pass a drug test. This is because Midol is a diuretic which helps the body rid itself of sodium and water.
Lucien Midol has written: 'La voie que j'ai suivie'
Yes, Midol is basically Ibproufen. Only take Xanax as directed by your prescriber.
Midol contains acetaminophen, a diuretic, and antihistamine. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and inflammation reducer like Ibuprophen. Contact a doctor before using Midol and Ibuprophen at the same time.
in addition to pain reliever, Midol also contains a diuretic. Tylenol is strictly a pain reliever (or fever reducer)
It is an antihistimine. However, it's listed as adiuretic in several OTC pms medications.
When a woman is on her period (menstrual cycle) her body, depending on the person, cramps up a lot. These cramps are from her body contracting and squeezing to release blood. Midol and Pamprin were made to help make the cramps not as painful. I've taken both, and in my humble opinion Midol is much better. Also, according to a close friend, if a male takes Midol he gets an instant erection or...boner. Though I wouldn't recommend taking Midol if you're a guy - it was designed for a female's body.