What a Group of Students is CalledA group of students is called a class and is often referred to as (name of teacher)'s class to distinguish one class from another. However, the generalized term 'gaggle' is also applied to a group of students in the comic strip Piled Higher and Deeper by Jeorge Cham, PhD.
Pylon sign?
no it did not
You should replace the surge strip if the circuit breaker fails to reset.
Yes, that's what happened.
crickets but they have to be smaller than it's head
Men are immature. ~A~
Stamped (not embossed) on the back of the card there should be a three- or four-digit number, usually under the signing strip. It is unrelated to the digits embossed on the front of the card.
If your teacher gave you an eighths strip like the one you made in Problem 1.2, which of the fraction strips you folded for Problem 1.2 would have more than one mark that lines up with the marks on the eighths strip?
It is very easy to remove front water deflector. Just pull with your fingers and the metal strip will removable. Behinde the metal strip is a plastic trip, this part is removable too with finger.
no no no no heck no.....