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Yes. Pregnancy can occur within several days before and after ovulation. They are called "fertile days." Also, sperm can live in the body for 3-7 days. See for more information about ovulation.

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15y ago
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9y ago

No. Practically this is not possible. The human ovum can be fertilized for for twenty four hours only after ovulation. In rare cases your diagnosis of the ovulation can go wrong. So when you miss the period, you can go for pregnancy test. Pregnancy can be easily terminated with in 15 days of missed period.

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9y ago

Conception means pregnancy! No one can tell, even the female, exactly when conception occurs.

if you have unprotected sex, you can conceive within seconds, up to 72 hours after that time of male ejaculate entered the female vagina.

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17y ago

Yes! Pregnancy sypmtoms normally happen one week after the baby is concieved.

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12y ago

it is likely to be posble cs sme women ovulate gud 14ays b4 dey c dres d best time is count d day u saw ur period til 1o to 16 dys.

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9y ago


after fertilization the embryo travels down the Fallopian tubes and implants into the uterus. At that point it can be argued that you are pregnant.

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9y ago

If you have conceived then you are pregnant

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9y ago

No. That is not possible.

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Q: Can pregnancy occur a day after ovulation day?
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Can pregnancy occur from intercourse before ovulation day?

This is nature, anything is possible but you do need an egg.

Can you get pregnant during menses?

Yes you can. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 of the cycle if the period is regular. However, ovulation may potentially occur at anytime during the cycle and lead to pregnancy.

Can you still get pregnant if you have not started your period yet?

No. ovulation has to occur in order for pregnancy to be possible.

Can pregnancy occur without ovulation?

No. The ovum must be there for it to occur. This is why birth control pills work and tying the tubes work.

If you have not ever started your period yet can you still get pregnant?

No. ovulation has to occur in order for pregnancy to be possible.

What is the latest implantation can occur in a viable pregnancy?

14-16 days past ovulation...but rare

Why does ovulation not occur in nine months?

The hormones produced by the pregnancy prevent an egg being released.

Is stomach pain along with white fluid discharge is a sign of pregnancy?

It is more likely to be a sign of ovulation (releasing an egg) as both of these things occur during ovulation. However they CAN also be signs of pregnancy. If you miss your period, take a pregnancy test

How many days dose ovulation last?

Ovulation has a 3 days window. Day one you are beginning to ovulate, day two you are ovulating and day three you are finishing ovulation. During this time there is a high risk of pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant on the date of ovulation?

Yes, you can. The day of ovulation is when you are most likely to get pregnant. Take a pregnancy test if you then miss your next period.

Does ovulation occur from 14th day until menstruation?

of course not, menstruation occurs on the 14th day not the ovulation, and I say that the start of the menstrual cycle is actually menstruation.

Is egg-white like discharge a day after intercourse a sign of pregnancy?

Not actually of pregnancy but possibly of which case pregnancy has a good chance of occurring.