they might have been seen as something to disturb the peace in the community
They werent treated as well as they should be treated and they werent respected as much either.
no they werent
they werent fed
they werent
no, move on, if they werent meant to be then they just werent, but they will relize they missed out on a great person!
In greek society, the people revolved around religion, although it wasnt a strict one. People werent ruled by kings or leaders majority of places, but they did tend to follow their preiest or preistess and follow what they said on behalf of the gods. If you were more skilled in specialized practices, or more educated, since it was an oligarchy society (where the power lies in the small, wealthy elites), you would of course be ranked higher than slaves and peasants, but merchants and such typically werent ruling forces.
they werent
because they werent Muslim
be friends
we will have to kiss a girl if there werent no sun