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I can. You probably can't.

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Q: Can you get a good score on the ASVAB by studing in one day?
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When you go to the recruiters office when do they assign you to take your ASVAB?

They will have you take it the first day you go to MEPS.

What subject do you need to work on most on the ASVAB if you want special forces?

Selection to the Special Forces is not solely dependent on your ASVAB Score and there is no one section of the test to focus your attention on. Rather, the ASVAB Requirement for the Special Forces is a GT or General Technical score of at least 110. The GT is a composite taken from several areas of the test. To get a good score in this area you should seek to do your best in all portions of the test. A good test preparation strategy would be to visit your local library and check out several ASVAB Test books which are published by at least 3 or 4 different companies. Practice taking the ASVAB Test, treating yourself the same way that the test proctors will do, that is sitting up straight at a desk or table, setting a clock alarm and stopping at the ringing of the alarm. Your goal will be to finish as many questions as possible (correctly) by the time the alarm goes off. Once finished, you should carefully grade your test, then for each incorrect answer you should read the explanation for that question and the various answers given to understand what was the correct answer and why you got it wrong. For the ASVAB, wrong answers do not count against you (unlike the SAT), so when you get a question that you do not know, you should try to make the best guess you can, and mark the question so that you can read up on the subject to better prepare you for the next try. You should practice taking the ASVAB Test 2 or 3 times per week, ideally alternating between the various preparation books in order to get the broadest range of questions. Finally on ASVAB Test Day, you will find that you are confident and prepared, and after about four or five questions you will likely find a question that you recognize nearly verbatim and you will instantly know the answer and this will help you to relax and breeze through the remainder of the test.

Is an IQ score of 260 high?

I have an IQ of 260 on a good day, so yes, it is real.

How do you score good marks in french tests?

You have to know good french.revise,ask your teacher for help and in the test day just try has hard as you can

How do you get high score of the day on webkinz on the game polar plunge?

You have to play the game and if your score is the highest out of everyone that has played it that day than you get the high score!

How long does it take to receive a personal loan?

If you have all your papers in order, and good credit score, you can receive it the same day

How do you get your score up on World Maths Day?

You have to be really fast and good at math.

How soon can you go to boot camp after testing?

If you are referring to the ASVAB test, about two weeks to thirty days. If you are referring to your MEPS physical, that day.

Top five teams highest score on first day in test match?

what is the highest score on first day in test match ?

What is the high SCORE first day score in a test cricket match?

446 i guess ..

What does it mean to have an escalation mentality?

I was good day but i have to finish my homework with math then i told my sister then when she help me i got it i know how to do it but sometimes i did helped me then i finish it then i got good grades for it the teacher showed me my score it was good

Are there any other tests that you must pass to get the military job that you want?

No, once you take the ASVAB your home free. and you can get butt raped all day long