The translation is : Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.
Nunca pasa nada was created in 1963.
The duration of Nunca pasa nada is 1.58 hours.
The cast of Casi nunca pasa nada - 2005 includes: Laura Almela Veronica Segura Enrique Singer
I am always thinking of you
Roughly, this is "What happened is I never knew your number so I couldn't return your call."
"Raisin" would translate to "pasa" in Spanish, but is commonly said as, "uva pasa". Hope this helped. (:
The word 'que' is a Spanish term. In English, the word 'que' means 'what.' An example of this is "que pasa" which translates to "what's up" in English.
"Pasa algo" in Spanish translates to "something happens" in English.
Whats up = Que Pasa or Pronounced "Kay pausa"
Que te pasa un buen tiempo.
ya lo tienes frustrado xk te pasa can be translated into xk already have frustrated you.