no a teacher can not call you dumb because it is you right to not be abused in any way but its your responsibility to mot call the teacher anything or make her/him annoyed in a way.
You don't, you just call them a bad word! He/she will be so dumb they wont understand! hah!
You could be in huge trouble for prank call on your teacher.
You may need to see more of your teacher. *dumb
You could call a classmate and find out her name from them.
You would call them either mute or dumb (as in "deaf and dumb").
Not dumb at all. And if you call it dumb, i will tie you to a chair and force you to watch it until you like it.
tell ur teacher shes dumb
ask yo dumb a$$ teacher
A beotch get over it, and you stupid peeps who wanna know GReyson's teacher, ur a dumb a** who has no life.
Family social health is that Even a teacher is so dumb that i have know idea how the teacher got its job.
because they are and you shouden't be saying that people are dumb because did you know that dumb actully means the people cant talk so whe you call people dumd that are not actully dumb you are making fun of the people who can't actully talk so shouden't call people dumb
No you my friend are dumb!!