And writers write - to serve the desires of readers.
The combination of fiction and reality might seem, at first glance, like a contradiction in terms; a dichotomy, even an oxymoron however, as we will discuss on this page, the concept of fiction that is real or life-like forms the very core of the fiction reader's experience.People read fiction for the emotional and intellectual experience. And what readers read, and why they read it, influences what we write and how we write it.
On this page we will discuss:How can "fiction" be "real? What does this term mean?
The word "fiction" in regards to literature -- generally means a narration which is not-true, real or factual. And "Realistic" means real, real-like or having the nature of "reality".
Therefore, "realistic fiction" means fiction that is realistic or lifelike.
Fiction that is lifelike is fiction that seems real and believable.
And that is exactly what readers are paying us for. They are paying us for an experience -- a lifelike emotional and intellectual experience.
2. Is realistic fiction desirable? And if so Why?Creating realistic fiction should be the primary objective of every fiction writer. Because experiencing realistic fiction is the primary desire of every reader. And writers write, to serve the needs and desires of readers.
But why fiction that only that seams real, why not the real thing? Obviously it would be more "real" if the reader actually experienced the events rather than just read about them.True, but real experience is time-consuming, expensive and often dangerous. Few of us have the time, money or stamina to actually climb Everest or go lion hunting with Hemingway. But we can experience this and more from the comfort of our arm chair through the magic of real-to-life fiction.
In many regards, fiction in literature is able to approach "truth" more closely than "non-fiction". If it's done right fiction can be more real, more compelling, more frightening and emotionally charged than the tepid "reality" that comprises the bulk of our reader's lives.
The reasons for this are several.
Non-fiction by definition restricts itself to the facts. And facts can be dry, dusty things, devoid of emotion.
Unless one is writing an autobiography, a great number of "facts" must be left out of any "non-fiction" book. The most important "facts" left out of non-fiction are "thoughts" and "emotions". And these are very important components of the fiction reader's experience.
In non-fiction the thoughts and emotions of the characters are missing. We don't know what Lincoln or Churchill "thought" or "felt" about the events they were involved in.
However, in a novel we can (through the imagination of the author) hear not only what the protagonist thinks, but what any number of lesser characters think and feel about the events of the story.
This "insight" delivers an additional layer of emotionally rich meaning to the reader.
But accomplishing this magic places an additional burden on the author.
The thoughts and feelings, as well as the actions of the characters, must be "realistic" -- meaning, "lifelike" or true to life.
This requires a little technique...
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Probably realistic fiction.
Contemporary Realistic Fiction consists of stories rooted in reality (could actually happen) but the characters are fictionalized. Nothing in the story connects itself to a time or event in history, but focuses on problems facing children's lives today such as divorce, a new sibling,or teen issues
as in the movie title? pulp is a genre of books/magazines that had short stories similar to the stories in the movie. fiction = fiction ... made up
Real is something that is real or existing or occurring as fact. It is also means it is not fake.It is realistic.
Fiction is a type of literature or art in which events take place and beings exist in a world that is a product of the author's imagination. So fake?
A spirit is a being with no material substance that is usually the subject of fiction or worshiped in the context of religion.
A story about a real thing is a narrative non-fiction.
Because it contains many of the themes the define the genre, such as futuristic technology, space travel, and alien life-forms.
General fiction is used interchangeably with the term popular fiction, and generally distinguished from literary fiction. But it is a "specific settings, roles, events, and values that define individual genres and their subgenres." These conventions, always fluid, are usually implicit, but sometimes are made into explicit requirements by publishers of fiction as a guide to authors seeking publication.Screen writers have to ensure that their stories conform to the guidelines---the closer the conformity, the greater their likelihood of being published. The publisher, for its part, is trying to meet the desires of its readers, who often have strong and specific expectations of the publisher's stories.Indeed, Writers, publishers, marketers, booksellers, libraries, academics, critics, and even readers all may have different ways of classifying fiction, and any of these classifications might be termed a genre.And if you are looking for your answer for: what is ""General Fiction"" read the first paragraph and there you have it....PS. BY: Markise D. AmersonContents[hide]
* Planetology * world building # Start big and work out the details based on established properties. # Chose a star type for the sun # Chose an orbit for the type of sun-star that will give you the properties you are looking for. # Chose the moon and all rotational periods from orbital mechanics. # Chose the composition of your planet # Chose the mass of your planet # Define the iron core and magnetosphere # Define the mantle and tectonics # Define the atomsphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere # Define the basis Bio-chemistry # Define the chemical and physiological Kingdoms # Define physiological phylums # Define your major plants and animals (you can't do them all) # Define your natives and their cultures
A fictional universe is an interconnected environment in a work of fiction in which the circumstances, people, and other components are different from those encountered in actual ordinary human experience.