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Q: Describe how you might carry out a case study for a learner with special educational needs and what information it should contain?
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What is the definition of learner?

One who learns; a scholar.

What are the sources of educational objectives and there importance?

1- The learner 2- The society 3- the subject

What type of learner is a hands on learner?

"Hands-on" learning is also known as "kinetic learning." A kinetic learner can absorb information through writing down information, through performing the task or procedure to be learned, or any combination of these.

Who is someone who goes to school?

a pupil, or a student: a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution or a schoolkid

Importance of educational technology?

Educational technology in education is important because it helps today's teachers to integrate new technologies and tools into their classroom. Teachers are able to upgrade and improve the learner-centeredness of their classroom. It enables teachers to engage their students in unique, innovative, and equitable ways.

Describe the role of psychology in curriculum development?

Psychology attempts to describe, explain and predict human behaviour. Psychology gives us an insight into the child's development and learning and provides various techniques of inquiry for use in the curriculum area.

Different word for fast learner?

I am a fast learner = I amable to learn new things quickly.

What does it mean to be a auditory learner?

it means you learn best by listening to information

What type of learner must reflect on information and prefers to study alone and in quiet area?

This type of learner is likely an introspective or reflective learner. They benefit from solitary study in a quiet environment to process information deeply and make connections in their own way. They may find it helpful to reflect on what they have learned to fully understand and retain the information.

What does quick learner mean?

A quick learner is someone who is able to easily grasp new information, concepts, or skills at a rapid pace. They adapt quickly to new situations and are able to understand and retain information effectively.

What is a auditory learner?

An auditory learner is someone who learns best through hearing information. They may benefit from lectures, discussions, and audiobooks, as they process and retain information most effectively through auditory means.

What is primacy of the learner?

It is a phrase that is an educational theory about adult learning. It says that teachers and professors should be a resource person rather than a teacher.