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Q: Did the poor kids go to school?
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What is the Nelson Mandela foundation?

it raised money for poor kids who couldn't afford to go to school

Did children go to school during the 1700's?

most, if not all, children during the 1700's did not go to school if they came from a poor family, only rich kids were able to go to school.

What percent of kids went to school in the 1800?

The rich white kids went to school. The poor white children could not afford to go to school. Black folks went to separate school for lesser black people in the community.

Do kids go to school?

Yes, most kids go to school.

In the middle ages who started schools?

In the middle ages only the wealthy were able to go to school. Poor kids had to go to work to support their families.

Do kids go to school in Mali?

yes kids in mali do go to school.

Do kids in Kenya go to school?

yes,Kids do go to school in Kenya,But not all......

Where Cristiano Ronaldo go to school?

He was to poor to go to school.

Where do Indonesia kids go to school at?

Indonesian kids which lucky enough will attend private school. But I think Indonesian kids mostly go to state school. There are also kids go to a muslim school ( MI / MTs / MA ) and kids from overseas attend international school.

How many kids go to school in Washington?

About 38 million kids go to school in Washington.

What school does Garth Brooks kids go to?

His kids go to a sexual school far from home.

What did Ruby Bridges change?

Ruby bridges change her community because she keep on going to school even all those words they said to poor rubythen after then kids and parents got tired of yelling at ruby and started taking their kids to school.