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Yes he does his mom is Mexican

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Q: Do Princeton speak Spanish
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What languages does Princeton from Mindless Behavior speak?

Princeton speaks English and Spanish.

Does princeton from mindless behavior speak spanish?

YES his fine behind is just like me

Does Princeton of Mindless Behavior speak french?

Princeton (Jacob Alexander Perez) Does speak Spanish. His mother is Mexican and his father is Black. And also you can tell by his accent when he talks. Listen to his L's and S's. I hope this answered your question :)

Is roc royal spanish?

yes im pretty sure bacause princeton does so on there free time princeton teaches them spanish

Is Princeton from mindless behavior spanish?


How do you say Princeton in spanish?

s. Princeton (ciudad y Universidad, en los E.E.U.U)

What spanish country is Princeton from mindless behavior from?

Princeton was born&raised in Los Angels but his mother is Mexican :)

What things can you do if you speak Spanish?

You can speak Spanish.

How do you say Do you get to speak Spanish?

Do you speak spanish

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Does Chilly speak Spanish?

Yes, they speak Spanish.

Does Ryan ochoa speak Spanish?

Yes, Ryan Ochoa is bilingual and can speak Spanish.