You don't have to take Pre-Calc to get into college, but it helps to get into a better university. No. In fact, many high school students only take Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and something like consumer math for their four math credits (which is the number required in my state of NC). Your state may still only require three, however, meaning that you wouldn't have to go beyond Algebra II.
no, colleges only look at your high school transcripts.
Yes, they look good on transcripts and you can get college credit if you score high enough on the exam.
Usually your high school coach can submit something to different colleges about your accomplishments that will get their attention.
yes they check all academic year in high school
High school sophomore and up would be a good time to start looking at colleges.
Yes, they basically look at everything. So you better have good grades !
The vast majority of accredited colleges certainly do, since they need to verify which courses you took and when you took them. But there are some colleges that will not just look at transcripts-- they will do what is called a "Prior Learning Assessment" -- this means, they factor in your life experiences, and give you a chance to take a test to see if you already have mastered certain subjects. This is especially true if you are an adult learner who has been out of school (and in the workforce) for a long time.
I'm not sure why any college would give a rat's behind what you look like, either in high school or before or for that matter after.ANS2:The ones that look at your high school pictures are not the ones that you want to join. That sort of information is not what a school can use.
You can commonly get them at normal high schools, colleges and universitys. If not, look for a local drama school you can attend.
It most likely would help your chances when you are applying to colleges. It does look good when you get good grades even at a school with high standards. Even if it does not help your chances much, it will definitely make you more prepared for college.
I've been told they mostly look at your sophomore. Its the year after you've been in high school, and when your a Junior and Senior you tend to get restless knowing your so close to graduating.