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Honey, every guy is different, just like every vagina is different. Some may prefer a smooth surface, while others may like a little more cushion for the pushin'. At the end of the day, it's all about personal preference and mutual respect in the bedroom. So, rock whatever style makes you feel confident and comfortable, and the right guy will appreciate it.

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2mo ago
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12y ago

It depends entirely on the man. It seems to be fashionable these days for women (and men) to trim or even shave pubic hair. A natural "bush" is regarded by some as unattractive and unhygienic (in much the way that underarm hair on women is considered repulsive by many Americans, but not so much to Europeans).

The amount of pubic hair that a woman has is genetically dictated. Some women have an awful lot of it, some do not. A woman may often choose to trim pubic hair for reasons of aesthetics, if she finds it unattractive or uncomfortable. It also makes washing easier during menstruation.

But there are plenty of men, Americans included, who like natural pubic hair on a woman, and consider it a sign of womanhood. Some men report being turned off by completely shaven women, complaining that it makes them look like prepubescent girls.

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14y ago

Definately Shaved. Much more enjoyable, especially for oral sex.

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Q: Do guys prefer hairy or shaved vaginas?
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I am a young gay guy who is naturally very hairy and I was wondering what I should shave and what I should leave alone while meeting most other gay guys expectations for how a man should look?

Why not look for guys who like hairy guys. Why worry about others expectations? As for how a man is supposed to look, in your case, he is supposed to be hairy. Personal preference, I prefer hair to smooth. To my eye, it is more masculine.