RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! He is A corn Ball!! lol but o well he will get over hisself
Good morning my name is Mr Jones I will be your teacher today.
The art teacher in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is named Mr. Freeman. He plays a pivotal role in helping the main character, Melinda, find her voice and express herself through her artwork. Mr. Freeman is a supportive and understanding figure in Melinda's life.
Yes. In a matter if fact, he's one of the kindest, nicest band teachers you will ever have if you visit. He's my band teacher did I mention that?
miley cyrus' second grade teacher was named MRS. PAGENTA, the nicest, coolest teacher around, miley thinks. how do i know? she told me in second grade! can u belive that! i was in her second grade class!
The Trigonometry teacher in Twilight is Mr. Berty.
Whose teacher?...
Mr. Rosen is a retired school teacher.
Mr. Angeles is a math teacher.
mr G
Mr Shuester is obviously the Glee director, but he is also a Spanish teacher.
Bella's biology teacher in Twilight is Mr. Banner.