To be in a locker room shower sucks. It is dirty nasty and smells of feet. and on top of that everybody sees you naked. eeewww !
yea one time i was naked in locker room and it was weird casue fresh men don't like to showed their penis so i got an embarrsing boner and i tryed to cover it with the towel and pull it away from me..DX
Even if u aren't naked u will probably be seen in ur undies and be ridiculed. Also if u change behind a curtain someone can pull it away and ur bareness can be seen , it happened with me and it is really embarresing . My towel was taken and so were my clothes everyone saw ,even younger boys.I was pushed into the shower naked and every one laughed.Worst part was that my clothes were thrown outside and i had to go naked in front of girls.
TMIIt happens to everyone. Get over it.I would recommend that teenagers take a shower after gym class or at least wash up a bit after class. Packing wet wipes for class is a good idea to be able to wash up quickly after class and also bringing some deodorant and/or body spray is also a great idea.
see if it was chris brown was in the gym it will take all night long
Shower, fall, change clothes, run, climb rope, swim
You can order crossfit workouts online if you wish. You can also take a class at your local gym.
That's a personal choice. However, it's best to shower at the gym if you go swimming.
its simple,take shower everyday and night when coming from work,GYM,or etc. 70% of people take shower everyday... YA i m BIG FAN OF PEWDIEPIE ........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( BROFIST ...........
Gym class.
supertramp and gymclass heros
Gym Class 3 is a wrestling session.
It depends on the district. Some schools still require it, but many have given up on it and students are only required to change clothing.