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most likely you'd have to take at least one honors English class but it also depends on the job you are willing to take. but if you do take an honors English class it would be easier for you to get that job then someone who didn't have honors English.. so keep that in mind

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Q: Do you have to take honors English to get into a good college?
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You can take english as a second language in any school that offers it or in a college/ community college.

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This is a question for the dean of the college you wish to enter. Perhaps you will need to take these courses again. Summer school? These are necessary for you to do well in college.

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You can take english as a second language in any school that offers it or in a college/ community college.

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In order to be a good writer, you should take a writing or English class at a local community college.

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While it is not really required, it is strongly recommended that you take honors and AP courses throughout high school so that you are prepared for college studies and so that the selection committee can see that you are a dedicated student.

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Yes, home schooled students can take an AP class from a parent/teacher who has had a course syllabi approved by the college board. Any home school student can decide to take a class that follows an approved course syllabi or just simply study for an AP exam on his or her own. Any student can sign up to take an AP exam each Spring whether or not the student has taken the course for which the AP exam is designated.

Is there a correlation between students who take AP or Honors vs regular classes?

Most students who take AP or honors courses are prepared for college level work because they have challenged themselves in high school. However, there are many high schools that offer regular classes that can be very challenging also. The students who take regular courses in these schools can also feel prepared for college courses. As a rule, colleges like to see students take at least a few of the hardest courses offered in their high schools. As a college consultant, however, I am afraid too many colleges look at your GPA sometimes more than they do the courses you take, AP, honors, or

Do you know where I can take English courses online?

It would be a good idea to check out your local community college. They have many different kinds of English classes, depending on what all you want to learn.

How many English credits do you have to take in order to go to college?

You should have four units of English.

If you made bad grades in honors classes in 9th and 10th grade how would you get into a 4 year college?

Your best bet is to call the college and talk to a counsellor. They'll tell you exactly how to go about getting your grades pulled up. It's probably going to be best if you take some of the basic stuff at a community college or tech school and make A's on those - which you obviously can do if you work, or you would not have gotten into honors classes in the first place! The college will tell you what classes you'll need to take, though, so don't just take anything.

What is correct The College has informed me or the college have informed me?

Both. In British English, a singular noun denoting a group - such as the Staff, the Government, the Committee, or the College - generally take a plural verb. In American English, such nouns generally take the singular.