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Q: Does a postsecondary institution offer training at the high school level?
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What is postsecondary institution?

A post secondary institution provides educational learning opportunities beyond high school level learning. Examples include universities, colleges, and technical trade schools.

What term includes all types of college?

The term "postsecondary education" would include all types of colleges and education available after the secondary (high school) level of education. "University" also includes the various "colleges" offered by one educational institution.

What is the denotative of school?

The denotative meaning of "school" refers to an institution where students are educated, typically at the elementary or secondary level.

What kind of colleges are there?

The term "postsecondary education" would include all types of colleges and education available after the secondary (high school) level of education. "University" also includes the various "colleges" offered by one educational institution.

What are the two empty slots at the training school that you cant use on monster hunters freedom unite?

Special Training, and G-level Training.

How do you get into the secret ninja training school on neopets?

your active pet must be level 250 or higher (that is why the pet at the training center says he cannot train you when you are level 250

What is the average length for a veterinary program at a community college?

The most training you can get for any program at the community college level is 2 years. Then you would transfer to a 4 year institution to continue your training.

How do you get a job flying commercial aeroplanes?

Get correct level of education, gain entry to airline training school or private training

When and all you will get training points?

you just have to be in any school and you will get training pointa at the golem tower WHEN you r level 5 or 6

Jobs require at least a high school diploma and on-the-job training?


Jobs require at least a high school diploma and on-the-job training.?


Can I apply the armed security training class available for graduates?

It is possible to apply but you must first of all meet the criteria required by the training institution in order to enroll you. you can get those institutions around your area of residence. Most of them also like working with graduates as the level of training is subjected to your level of knowledge in other fields.