In Hebrew, Brit Banot means Covenant of the Daughters.
Brit Olam (ברית עולם) is a Hebrew phrase that can be translated as "covenant of the universe" or "eternal covenant"
Brit could come from the Hebrew word meaning "covenant" This could make sense as Ish is the Hebrew word for "man"
brit (ברית)
ritual circumcisionritual (in Hebrew = "Brit Milla")
B'rith, often pronounced "bris" or "brit," means -1) Covenant2) (The covenant of Jewish male) Circumcision. Genesis 17.See also:The covenantsCircumcision
Isn't it in food you get all this brittle in it if they don't cut or cook it properly
The Hebrew word for covenant is 'Brit' (ברית). The covenant that a Jewish boy enters in upon circumcision is called Brit Milah (ברית מילה). Milah being the word for circumcision.breet (ברית)
A Jewish circumcision ceremony is called a 'brit milah'.
There is no such word as "covent"If you mean coven (group of witches), it's mifgash makhshefot (מפגש מכשפות)If you mean convent (group of nuns), it's minzar (מינזר)If you mean covenant (agreement), it's brit (ברית)
There is no such meaning. In Hebrew you can't swear a covenant, but you can "make" a covenant.I make a covenant (said by a male) = ani oseh brit (אני עושה ברית)I make a covenant (said by a female) = ani osah brit (אני עושה ברית)
to cut = khatakh (חתך)