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No. Once you have herpes you will have it for life. You can control symptoms and shedding by taking an anti viral such as Valtrex.

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Q: Does herpes go away
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Can Genital herpes go away?

No; the virus remains in the body.

How long do herpes blister heal?

They don't just go away because herpes is a life long disease that is incurable. With antibiotics you can relieve the pain of them but that's pretty much it.

Can you go on birth control when you have herpes?

You can go on birth control when you have herpes.

Can you spread herpes orally if you dont have a coldsore and you took medicine for it?

Yes. Herpes is a disease, not an infection. It does not go away, it may be treated but not cured entirely. Even if there is no physical evidence, you still have it.

Is glitter the herpes of all craft supplies?

because once you get glitteridified, it'll NEVER GO AWAY! no many how many times you wash.... :(

Red rash around vigna that want go away?

If there is an oozy smelly discharge, it is a yeast infection. If it is a dry red rash, it may be herpes. Go see your doctor.

How do you break up with someone you know is in love with you but your to nervous on how they'll react?

Tell the someone you just found out you have herpes. That will make them go away. lol

What are the small cluster of itchy rashes?

not to scare u but sounds like herpes which is a std that u can not get rid of but can take med to make rash go away u should go to the doctor asap

What do you do if a marriade man falls in love with you?

That is kinda creepy ignore him don't get herpes that's even worse. you should tell him to go away and if you don't you will get attached to him too.

White circle with dot on tongue?

If it goes away it could be from a bite like a blood blister. It could also be an amalgam tattoo this is permanent.

How does our immune system fight herpes?

Your immune system fights herpes by using laser beams to deflect the herpes from attacking your immune system. They then take out riot shields and M16's to shoot/scare them off. That should tell those herpes to stay away from your immune system!

What does it mean when your goldfish has red scales?

It means your goldfish has a type of disease called herpes, and no, not the type you're thinking of. This is a type of herpes known only to goldfish. They get it when they have sex with a rock in their fish bowl. You should get your goldfish checked for herpes right away. You don't have to go to a vet though, just suck on it's fins and it should be fine. If it tastes like salt, then they're fine. But if it tastes like vinegar, your goldfish has herpes. Hope this information helped.