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I love Arabic so much, but I am actually learning it for like ... five months almost.

You can try Arabic College.

I am learning Arabic through Live Video Interactive Classs with native Arabic teachers who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can communicate with your teacher and with the other students, and discuss with them and ask and answer like you are in real class in school or something.

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13y ago

hi I'm sabah you say it like this ; ana ata alam el khalam bil Arabia انا اتعلم الكلام با العربية it's easy no by by

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How does a Muslim child learn Arabic?

First if the Muslim child is born for an Arabic family then he/she learns Arabic from the family and community as; e.g.; the French child learns French from his/her family and french community. If the Muslim child is from non Arabic family, then he/she may learn Arabic in a school or his/her parents bring a teacher home to learn him/her Arabic or they send him/her to an Islamic center or mosque to learn Arabic.

How can you learn Arabic faster?

By studying in Arabic universities, you will be able to connect with Arabic people, and learn the language by living with them. If this is not possible, just register to one of Arabic courses in your country.

What is Arabic school?

Arab school is a school where you learn arabic.

Where can one learn more on Arabic numbers?

Information on Arabic numbers can be found online at My Languages, Soft Arabic, and Learn Arabic Online. You can learn about Arabic numbers, and the language in general through programs such as Rosetta Stone.

How can you learn faster?

By studying in Arabic universities, you will be able to connect with Arabic people, and learn the language by living with them. If this is not possible, just register to one of Arabic courses in your country.

What does unique mean in Arabic?

Unique Translating to Arabic : فريد In Arabic the translated word sounds : Fa rid or Fareed.

How many sounds are in the Arabic language?

There are approximately 28 to 30 consonant sounds and 6 to 7 vowel sounds in the Arabic language. The exact number can vary depending on dialect and pronunciation.

Can non-Muslims learn all Arabic even the Arabic from the Quran and don't have to convert to Islam?

Yes, of course. Non-Muslims can learn Arabic language and even the Arabic from the Quran without having to convert to Islam.

How do you say winter in Arabic?

it sounds like sherter

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were did Fibonacci learn about the Hindu-Arabic numeral system

What is the Arabic word for free?

to be free sounds like "Ha-dah-dah" very fast in Arabic

Should Muslims know Arabic?

It is best that they do, since the Quran is recited in Arabic and no translation is perfect, but it is not an obligation to learn Arabic.