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Computers have radically changed life for students heading into college. They can look up any information almost instantaneously, they can talk with people across the world, and they have access to resources that students in the 80s and 90s could only dream of.

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Computers are used in businesses worldwide. Companis

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Q: How computer change your life?
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bcause of you my life has change!!

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Have computer change your life give opinion?

Of course it had! From the time i wake up till the time i sleep, i depend on the computer. Many people do. People might argue that they're always on their phone and never you the computer... well phones are a portable version of a computer.

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the new technologies areTV,ac,refrigerator,computer etc which have brought a drastic change in our life

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computer is lot of benefits our life.

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If you are even considering the idea that the purchase of a specific brand of laptop computer is the key to improving your life, your issues are well beyond what the ownership of a laptop can change. but if you are thinking of an IPad, well the, yes. The chicks dig it. ;)

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the in dash computer will come up with a "oil change recommended" text... change it then ;)