School ended up worldwide when 1 person saw the other school and thought that education is good and should be spread throughout the world to teach young people very important information.
This is the End grossed $126,294,264 worldwide.
Old School grossed $86,325,829 worldwide.
School for Scoundrels grossed $17,807,569 worldwide.
School Daze grossed $14,545,844 worldwide.
End of Days grossed $212,026,975 worldwide.
End of the Spear grossed $11,924,041 worldwide.
The End of the Affair grossed $10,660,147 worldwide.
No End In Sight grossed $1,433,319 worldwide.
End of Watch grossed $53,041,274 worldwide.
Emery Worldwide ended in 2001.
That is how i would clean up my school.