The word "dΓa" in Spanish is masculine.
nuevo (masculine), nueva (Feminine)
I am Scottish in Spanish is "Soy escocés(masculine)/escocesa (feminine)."
To say 'salty' in Spanish, you would say 'salado' for masculine words and 'salada' for feminine words.
Bonito is masculine and bonita is feminine
Noruega (feminine) Noruego (masculine)
Viejo is the masculine word, and vieja is the feminine word for "old" in Spanish. It can be masculine or feminine, according to the gender of the word you are describing.
You say 'su amigo.' masculine. "su amiga", feminine.
Masculine. Normally, nouns that end in O in Spanish are masculine.
único masculine and única feminine
this (feminine)- esta es this (masculine)- este es