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what time is it = ma ha sha'a (מה השעה)

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Q: How do you ask what time is it in Hebrew?
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How can you get your answers in Hebrew?

You simply ask for them in Hebrew אפשר לתרץ בעברית, אבל לא לשאול בעברית עדיין One day we will also have a Hebrew site

How do you say at this time in Hebrew?

"At this time" in Hebrew is "Baz-man Hah-zeh" (בזמן הזה).

When is mud and blood 3 coming out?

ask marissa Hebrew and find out

Where can you find someone to translate a Hebrew phrase for you for free?

You can ask for the translation on the site.

What did the king of Egypt ask the Hebrew midwives to do?

Kill Israelite infant boys.

What is the Hebrew word for beseech?

"to beseech" or "to ask for something" = bikesh (ביקש)

What was the time period in which Hebrew ended?

Hebrew never ended. It is still around today.

How do you say living in Hebrew?

Chaiyim (that doesn't quite sound like that, if your interested ask someone who know Hebrew to pronounce it for you that the closest English equilivant)

What was nicodemus's Hebrew name?

Nicodemus is not mentioned in any Hebrew text, so his true Hebrew name is unknown.

How many words were in the Hebrew language when the bible was translated?

When the Hebrew bible was first translated into Greek, Hebrew was still a spoken language and there is know way to know how many words existed at that time. The Hebrew Bible has about 8000 Hebrew words in it, but the spoken language at that time would have had many more than that. Most spoken languages have between 40,000 and 140,000 words, depending on how you decide what a word is.

Does the German word Zeit as in Jahrzeit have any meaning in Hebrew?

No. In German it means "time" but it has no meaning in Hebrew.

How do you read Hebrew Bible?

One word at a time...