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There really isn't any way to cheat on writing your spelling words five times each. The differences in handwriting would give it away that you did not write the words yourself. It's best to do the homework yourself, especially since it does help you to learn how to spell the words.

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Q: How do you cheat on five times each spelling homework?
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You can ask specific questions that you are having trouble with - if you're planning to cheat and get someone to do your entire homework, it would take so much time to ask each individual question and wait for the answer that you'd be better off just doing them yourself.

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This is homework and Wiki won't help you cheat. Time to get to work and start thinking.

How do you practice for a spelling test?

What consistently got me the "A's" in spelling was the 'practice by rote' method. Visually looking at the words and spelling them aloud ten times each ingrained them in my memory even until today, 45 years later (plus or minus, I never was really all that great at math!)