Classification means grouping things based on similarity.
Write down your topics. List each reason why the topics belong in whatever group you have chosen.
Make each reason into a complete sentence, and you have your paragraph!
Example: The question "How do you develop a paragraph by using classification?" belongs in the topic "Paragraph Development." This group of questions explains how paragraphs are composed. This question explains how to make a paragraph by using classification. This question also shows you how to use a specific method to compose your paragraph. Therefore, this is the best category for the question.
Division means dividing a group into parts.
Write down your topic. List each thing that belongs in that category.
Make each part of your list into a complete sentence, and you have your paragraph!
Example: WikiAnswers is composed of many categories. The first category is Animal Life. You also have Business and Finanace, and Cars and Vehicles. Another category is Entertainment and Arts. Food and Cooking is a category as well. Health has it's own category, as well as History and Politics and Society. There is a category for Home and Garden, and a Humor and Amusement Corner. Another category is Jobs and Education. Law and Legal Issues is next, followed by Literature and Language. You can find a category about Relationships and Religion and Spirituality here. You can also find Science, Shopping, and Sports categories. There are categories for Technology and for Travel. There is even a WikiAnswers Local category for questions about your local area! And, of course, WikiAnswers has a category called Miscellaneous.
You use process to describe how something works, or how a sequence of events happens.
Example: Finding an answer to a question on WikiAnswers is easy! Log onto the website by giving your user ID and password. Then, type your question into the "Ask" box at the top of the page. If your question is similar to another question that has already been asked, you will either see one question and answer appear on the page, or you will see a list of possible questions. Click on the question that is closest to your question if you think that one is pretty much what you have asked. If none of the questions seems to be what you want to know, then click on the "Ask Question" box at the bottom. Choose a category for your question based on what the question is about - NOT what you want out of the question. Now, you have successfully asked a question on WikiAnswers!
A process is a series, a sequence, an orderly progression. One step or event follows another: first this, then that, then something else.
You generally write a Process paragraph to accomplish one of two tasks
Topic Sentence
Write down your topic. Make a list under this of everything you can think of which describes that topic.
Use all of your senses, not just sight - write how it sounds, how it feels, and how it smells!
Make each description into a complete sentence and you have your paragraph!
A classification paragraph is one in which you group things into categories.
You will need to use descriptive vocabulary, definitions and comparisons, and multiple contexts to group the ideas or things.
Here are some examples of "grouping" words you might think about:
First, look up your word or term. You cannot guess on this one!
Next, write each definition as a complete sentence. Put the sentences in some sort of order so that they make sense, and there's your paragraph!
Example: Definition means giving all the meanings of a word or term. Definition can be a noun indicating that meaning, such as "the definition of a word." A definition also means a formal proclamation of the Roman Catholic church. Definition can mean a statement expressing the essential nature of something. Another meaning of definition is the action or power of describing, explaining, or making something definite and clear. Definition can refer to the clarity of visual presentation or the distinctness of outline and detail, such as "improving the definition of an image." Definition also means clarity of sound, especially of musical sound, in reproduction.
A process paragraph explains how something works or how an event occurs.
Write your topic, and list every step in the process. Look up facts if you need to!
Make each step a complete sentence, and you have your paragraph!
Example: Answering a question on WikiAnswers is easy! First, you sign onto the website using your identification and password. Then, look up a question using the "Ask" bar - or you can just browse the categories and see which questions you like! Click on the "Answer Question" button below the question and type your answer into the blank box. You can spell check your answer, too! Then, click the "Save" button and you have answered a question.
Explanation means telling more about something.
Write your topic down, and list everything you can think of which will help your reader to understand that topic. Look up facts if you need to!
Write each explanation as a complete sentence, and you have your paragraph!
For Example: Explanation means telling more about something. Write your topic down. This means write down the main idea or theme of your paragraph. Then, list everything you can think of which will help your reader to understand that topic. Look up facts if you need to! You can use a dictionary, encyclopedia, or online search engine to find facts. Write each explanation as a complete sentence, with a subject and predicate, good grammar and spelling, and you have your paragraph!
A body paragraph typically consists of a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, supporting details or evidence to develop the main idea, analysis or explanation of the evidence, and a concluding sentence that summarizes the point of the paragraph.
In division, you develop a topic by breaking it down into smaller parts.
A component of an effective paragraph in the body of a research report is a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. This is followed by supporting evidence, analysis, and explanation to develop and clarify the main idea. Finally, a strong concluding sentence that wraps up the paragraph and transitions to the next one is essential.
do now
crap i forgot
The details of my explanation may require more than one paragraph.
Write down your topic sentence. Look up statistical information about the topic and write a list of the facts you learn.Make each fact into a complete sentence, and you have your paragraph!
To develop a paragraph by elimination, it must first go through several phases. A paragraph must first be tested for analogy, classification, rationalization, and repetition.
A body paragraph in an essay is where you present and develop your main ideas or arguments in support of your thesis statement. It should include a topic sentence that introduces the main point, evidence or examples to support the point, and analysis or explanation of how the evidence relates back to the thesis. Each body paragraph should focus on a single idea and transition smoothly to the next paragraph.
To develop a paragraph using citations, you should start by introducing your main point or argument. Then, provide evidence or support for your argument by incorporating relevant quotations or paraphrasing from credible sources. Make sure to properly cite the sources you use within the paragraph according to the appropriate citation style, such as APA or MLA. This will strengthen your writing by adding authority and supporting your ideas with outside research.
creating details and examples that support and explain the topic sentence.
To develop a paragraph using a problem and solution approach, start by introducing the problem concisely. Follow this by discussing the consequences or impact of the problem. Then, introduce the solution that directly addresses the problem identified, explaining how it can effectively resolve the situation. Conclude by summarizing how implementing the solution would lead to positive outcomes or improvements.