u go to school when ur tamagotchi is a child and u will get a toy from the teacher when u here a beeping sound and the door is lit up that means some ones there so click on it and seee who it is
Lovelitchi is a Tama-Go character, so therefore cannot be raised on Tamagotchi Music Star.
You have to log in your tamagotchi music star or tama-go.
Yes. It is refered to as the Tamagotchi Music Star. For more information, you can go to bandai's website.
go on to tamagotchhi town and hit log in as tamagotchi then go into pc on the tamagotchi and it will give you a log in code type in the code to the computer and your tamagotchi will be on the screen.
If you have a V5 then you have to go to the heart icon and press others you do the same thing with the V6 or Music Star Hope this helped!!!!:)
you have to make a account first then it will send an email to your email and then you have to activate it. then.................................... you can go on music star online! HAVE FUN!
when it's around a toddler? maybe older?
•Ok the Tamagotchi music star is like, the bast my opinion. and with it you can enter tamagotchi music city! Its pretty cool! so you can buy a tamagotchi at a wal-mart if your in the u.s • Ok, No Matter where you live, U.S or U.K You can buy a tamagotchi. They are usually anywhere from £10.00 too £12! I have a music star, and they can do so much! Get married, Have bands, Go online! :) Its amazing. To go online you can go on www.tamatown.com On the guitar pick you get with your tamagotchi, there is a code. This gives you a gift online, !:D
First of all, get a Music Star tamagotchi. Next, select the door symbol on your tamagotchi. Select PC. Go to tamatown.com then press login. Input the code from your tamagotchi onto your computer, put in the user name too. You should now be logged in.:) -PB
When you go to tamatown.com, click on ENTER MUSIC CITY. Then click on CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT. Then follow the instructions, and refer to your Tamagotchi Music Star Manual for how to see your character online.
v7 Tamagotchi is Tama-Go Tamagotchi. Item cheats on the website are the same as v6, or, Music Star. I have a log-in cheat for you for the Music City website. ELISE E73DD2 803B7A The type of tamagotchi is a secret!!
You have to wait. Soon a music teacher will come. Then you can go.