1. If you have a backpack that's has like 5 pockets and is of air then listen up (if you don't, just pin it). Putting everything in one pocket helps dramatically. Then, it's really easy to pin back the unnecessary pockets.
2. If your like me and you absolutely need 4 folders, 3 spirals, a binder, coloured pencils, a book, and all that stuff in your pencil case, then this is for you... try to get one of those Accordion folders (they're pretty cheap). Take out the papers inside some of your folders and organize it into the folder. Some teachers need their own folder, with 3 rings, to throw that in too. Add labels and some spirals in and 'Voila'. Ready to go. Most large backpacks have an adjustable strap along the side of the backpack, tighten it! BTW make sure you put everything in one pocket, preferably the one closest to your body when wearing the backpack.
Mybe the materials on which they use to make a backpack
c thinner
Voice thinner
One way to make your lips thinner is to have cosmetic surgery. You could also try putting on makeup to try and make them look thinner, such as a lip pencil.
you buy a rugrats backpack and fill it with gas in little waterbottles then you point them all down and light..then you should be flying....or you could get high with a backpack on
A strong fabric is need to make backpack purses. Some strong fabrics used to make backpack purses include nylon packcloth or condura (nylon canvas) and ballistic cloth.
To make it thinner, you can put tomatoe juice in it. Or alittle lemon. It depends on what kind of salsa you are making.
No, the human cough is to push mucas through the throat to clear your throat. In no way does it make you thinner.
I would contact a specialty cosplay designer- they will make the backpack perfectly.