God be with you: Dia duit May God be with you too: Dia is muire duit That is also what people say to say hello in Irish if you say "Dia duit" the other person should say "Dia is muire duit"
Dia duit = hello Dia's Muire Duit = Hello back to them but you have to say Dia's Muire Duit Or They Wont understand Then Dia Deive Mean Hello if there is a Good Load Of People Instead Of Sayin Dia Duit To Everyone Hope That Helped u
If you were being polite to someone you would say ''Dia duit'' pronounce this: 'dee-a gwitch' If your with some friends it's basically ''haigh'' pronounce it 'hi' just like in english! Hope it helped
The Irish language.
Dia dhaoibh as Baile Átha Cliath (plural) Dia duit as Baile Átha Cliath
"Dia duit" should be "Dia dhuit" "chaol a bhfull" should be "chaoi a bhfuil" "Dia dhuit, cén chaoi a bhfuil tú inniu?" means "Hello, how are you today?"
Dia duit
Dia duit
Dia duit, conas atá tú?
to you or with you. Dia Duit, God by with you
Dia duit, conas atà tù?
Hello, beautiful girl.