There are several words for Trust, however the most used one, at least in my family, is the word εμπιστοσύνη, pronounced "e-bi-sto-see-nee" with the accent on the first "ee" sound. To say "I trust you" or rather "I have trust in you" in Greek, it is Σου έχω εμπιστοσύνη , pronounced "sue eho ebee-sto-see-nee"
'sue' is pronounced like the girl's name Sue.
How do you pronounce notimos in Greek The pronounciation of this word is "nosteemos".
"Stor-yee" is the way to pronounce the Greek word στοργή (storge) for "affection" or "love."
The Greek word for "Integrity" is "ακεραιότητα".
how do you pronounce the greek word όλα in english
σαπίζω [sapEEzo]
χώρα (hora)
pat ter
Pisteuo is a Greek word whose meaning is to trust.