Do you love me in Latin is ama me.
I am right here with you
Amorem is the Latin noun for" love", amo is the Latin verb "I love"(Ego) amo(tu) amas(*ei) amatamamusamatisamant
-are Ex. 'to love' is 'amare'
amator mei
Te amo.
Eum amo.
Well, Latin doesn't have a word for "you". It has special endings that say different things. Here is the cahart with the latin word for love First Case Endings~The ending will be caps ~Ama-love singular plural amO-I love amaMUS-we love amaS-you love amaTIS-you (plural) love amaT-He, she , it loves amaNT-they love I hope that helped you. I am taking Latin in school and that was the first word we learned.! ask me if you want to know any more words in latin! I know over 150
love : diligo, dilectio, amor her love: suus diligo