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This way > 이 방법 > i bangbeob

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Q: How do you say 'This way' in Korean?
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To say lucky in Korean, one can say un-i joh-eun. This is the colloquial or informal way of saying lucky. The Korean language, however, has a wide variety of dialects and levels of formality.

How do you pronounce Hankook as in Hankook tire?

Han (Pronounced like 'Pan') - Cook <---American way (wrong) Hahn - Gook <----Korean way (한국) (correct) [it means "Korean" in Korean] The way they say it in the commercial is wrong, the Korean name of the company is 한국타이어 which literary means "Korean Tires"

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It is another name for the Korean War (which happened in the Korean peninsula). It is because the war started on 6/25/1950 (June 25 1950). It is not the correct way to say it. A more correct way to say it is 'Korean conflict' or 'War in Korea'.

How do you say part in Korean?

The word "part" in Korean is "bubun". This is just the casual way of saying it/the way it is said in everyday speech. 부분 written like this in Korean. This also has the meanings of section or piece.

How do you say parts in Korean?

The word "part" in Korean is "bubun". This is just the casual way of saying it/the way it is said in everyday speech. 부분 written like this in Korean. This also has the meanings of section or piece.

How do you say elizabeth in Korean?

Elizabeth is a name and is not translated into Korean, so the best way to say it would be in Romanized form. 엘리자베스 El Lee Za Bass

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Sammy is a name used for mostly boys, but can also be given to girls. In Korean, the way to say Sammy would be "Saemi", as in "Say-Me". It basically stays nearly the same.

How do i say it's raining in Korean?

the literal way to write rainbow in Korean is 레인보우 but the word rainbow in Korean is 무지개 (moo-ji-gae)