Entiendes, Victoria? = Got it (i.e. understand), Victoria?
yes i do you just have to know how speeck spanish and got to write in spanish
Acabo de llegar en casa.
A 64 note streak, is just how many notes you've got in a row, i.e. how many you got without missing any.
quero conoserte just sound it out and u got it
Apenas salió de la rehabilitación.
Acabamos de salir de la iglesia.
Just say it! A true friend will understand
A legendary Spanish Lover. Just got the answer correct on a test:)
Most teachers find formal language more comfortable to use, plus it is respectful
I got it: you have obtained something. e.g. I got your message, I got your phone number out of the phone book or it can mean I understand what you are telling me. It depends on how it is used in the sentence. I get it: I understand what you are saying or I understand what you mean.