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te quiero y no puedo esperar para conocer nuestro hermoso bebé

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Q: How do you say I love you and I cant wait to meet our beautiful baby in spanish?
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How do you say beautiful love in Spanish?

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Te amo, nene / nenaTe Amo Baby --- This is not Spanish!

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yes Cody and i are going out we love each other sooooooo much and i a baby that cant sing yes Cody and i are going out we love each other sooooooo much and i a baby that cant sing yes Cody and i are going out we love each other sooooooo much and i a baby that cant sing yes Cody and i are going out we love each other sooooooo much and i a baby that cant sing yes Cody and i are going out we love each other sooooooo much and i a baby that cant sing yes Cody and i are going out we love each other sooooooo much and i a baby that cant sing yes Cody and i are going out we love each other sooooooo much and i a baby that cant sing

Your my beautiful baby girl I love you with my whole heart in Spanish?

"Eres mi hermosa nena. Te quiero/te amo con todo mi corazón."

English to Spanish translation for do rag?

baby i love you

What does it mean by saying you love her because she's beautiful and she's beautiful because you love her?

I guess it means is she beautiful just because or is she beautiful because she is dating you saying if you guys werent dating she isnt beautiful because she not with you because you cant have her

How do you say I cant wait to love you in spanish?

No puedo esperar a amarte

Who sings the song that begins with the first line Beautiful Baby Living on Love?

The song is Wonderful Baby (living on love) by Don McLean.

How do i say love you baby in spanish?

"Te quiero, nene."

How do you say in spanish love baby boy?

it is amor bebé

What is metaphor for beautiful?

The baby's cheeks are a beautiful red rose color.