mark veh-jeannette
The address of the Jeannette Public Library is: 500 Magee Avenue, Jeannette, 15644 3414
You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew
Jeannette Tregarthen's birth name is Jeannette Tregarthen Jenkins.
Jeannette Ricci's birth name is Narciza Jeannette Ricci.
Jeannette Clift's birth name is Jeannette Clift George.
Jeannette Piccard was born on January 5, 1895.
Has in Hebrew is: YESH
Jeannette would be the equivalent for the English first name Janet.
"Tikra" (תקרה) is how you say ceiling in Hebrew.
Janina is a feminine given name of Hebrew origin that means "God is gracious" or "gift from God".
Jeannette Campbell was born in 1916.