Today is never a good day to die. There is never a good day to die and everyone dies when their time comes.
Because it is always today.
Hodie die bonum cadere est.
You can make one.
"Today" in Latin is hodie (a contraction of hoc die, "on this day"). It's always an adverb. The corresponding noun is actually the noun phrase hodiernus dies ("the day of today").
A Good Day for Love to Die was created in 2010.
A Good Day to Die was created on 2007-12-29.
A Good Day to Die Hard was released on 02/14/2013.
The Production Budget for A Good Day to Die Hard was $92,000,000.
The Greeks did not name their days as we do today. Likewise, the day is not told.
"aujourd'hui est un bon jour pour mourir dans mon sommeil"
She had an inclination that her day was going to be very difficult. Another good sentence would be, he had an inclination that his car was going to die today.